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HostChilly – Responsive WordPress hosting Theme by ThemeChilly (Review)

With number of hosting companies around the world, you need to establish yourself as strong brand to get distinguished identity in the industry. Your storefront: the website, Plays major role in providing you brand identity. At present, WordPress proves to be the best platform to have your website upon. So here we are with one of the most professional and easy to customize WordPress hosting theme for your website.

With my own analysis and testing I would recommend HostChilly- WordPress hosting theme, one of the latest launches from ThemeChilly, for your hosting website. It is easily compatible to WHMCS and provides enormous customization option, which allows you to do most of the customization without even touching the code. The customization options provided are so versatile that you can modify look and feel of this theme according to your need, which would work for any type of website.

One of the most significant things about HostChilly is, it has been well refined according to the need and requirement of the end-customer. Beta version of HostChilly was released before its actual launch and all the suggestions from the user were welcomed and the accordingly the final touch was given.

Let’s see what this WordPress Hosting theme has to offer you:

  • Switch between full width and boxed layout:

HostChilly provides full width and boxed layout for your website. In boxed layout you can add background color or background image according to your choice. Back ground image repetition options like (repeat horizontally/vertically, no repeat and repeat all) has also been provided to the users.

  • Various header layouts to choose from:

This WordPress hosting theme provides various header layouts to choose from. It also allows you to easily edit your contact details and enable/disable top header, social icons and sticky header.

  • Add your own customized logo:

HostChilly allows you to add your own customized logo and favicon in single click.

  • Set main navigation height and main menu drop down width:

HostChilly gives you leisure to easily adjust main menu navigation height and main menu drop down width of your website.

  • Customize your page title bar:

It also gives you option to set breadcrumb menu separator of your choice, enable/disable page title bar and breadcrumb

  • Various footer layouts to choose from:

This WordPress hosting theme provides various footer layouts to choose from, edit copyright text, and enable/disable footer widgets and payment icons.

  • Design your website with font of your choice:

HostChilly gives you option to decorate your site, with font of your choice. It provides multiple font options(google font) for body, heading, side bar heading and option to adjust font size for menu, breadcrumb, sidebar headings, headings and page title font size.

  • Give your own colors to your site:

HostChilly gives you leisure to color your site with any color you can imagine of. Options to set desired primary color, secondary color, font color on primary color area, font color on secondary color area, page title font color and breadcrumb font color has been provided to user.

  • Customize your blog page:

Provision to select sidebar position to the left and right of your screen has also been provided to user.

  • Customize Payment icons and social icons options:

It also allows you to choose the payment and social icons you want to display or not.

  • Choose between banner and sliders for your home page:

First fold of your homepage sums up everything, Hostchilly, WordPress hosting theme allows you to customize look and feel of your first fold by choosing between banner and sliders. You can also insert any number of slides, set your titles description and URL on it according to your requirement.

  • Work on your testimonials:

Customer reviews plays important role in converting you visitors into clients, Hostchlly includes option to add any number of testimonial slides to your website.

  • Keep your ongoing theme setting safe:

The WordPress hosting theme also provides option to export your ongoing theme setting, so it can be kept safe and imported anytime needed.

With these many customization options HostChilly really proves to be promising WordPress hosting theme. If you want to purchase it you can use this promocode ”GoSSDHosting” to avail 25% discount on its purchase. You can also use this code to avail discount on other hosting themes and WHMCS addons of themechilly.





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