Cost-effective and easy-to-use Multi-level reseller hosting has now become very popular among small entrepreneurs who wish to start their own Web Hosting Business. With the increasing hardware and network cost, Master Reseller Hosting is one of the highly demanded reseller hosting products that allows you to resell both Reseller Hosting and cPanel Hosting just like a normal VPS with 70% cost reduction and more convenience.
There is an increase of 300% from 2016 to 2022 in the number of hosting providers offering this kind of multi-level reseller hosting. However, there are a few things to consider before choosing the right master reseller hosting provider. Let us discuss them below.
Check if the provider owns the server.
A master reseller provider can be an Alpha Reseller from another provider, as an Alpha Reseller allows you to resell master reseller. If the provider is not the direct owner of the server or doesn’t have root access to the server, they have only 5% access to how the server functions and its uptime. This may cause delays in support response as the provider has to request the server owner to look into your support request.
Check if the provider has a Valid cPanel License.
In 2019, the cPanel Inc. changed its pricing structure and introduced per account price that led to a major increase in the hosting prices. This also ended the “Unlimited” accounts package in the reseller hosting plans as no way a provider can offer unlimited cPanel accounts at a fixed price when cPanel itself is charging them on the basis of the number of cPanels used.
A lot of small providers moved towards “Nulled” or “Cracked” versions of cPanels to overcome this restriction which can have severe security issues to all hosted websites and data. Customer’s websites that are hosted on a Cracked cPanel server often end up getting hacked.
You can verify whether a provider has a Valid cPanel License by asking the provider for the server IP address and checking the license on
Check if the provider has a Valid WHMCS License.
A lot of small hosting providers use a nulled or cracked version of the WHMCS Billing software for their company websites. This nulled software is released by hackers with injected codes into the market and is never safe to use, especially on billing software where sensitive data like credit cards and transactions are stored. A lot of cases were reported where the customer’s credit cards were hacked due to providers using nulled WHMCS.
You can verify whether a provider has a valid WHMCS license by entering the provider’s website address on
Check the number of years the provider has been in business.
At GoSSDHosting, At GoSSDHosting, we often come across customers who want to migrate to us as their old provider is shutting down their business and they often get nervous and worried about data loss. Hence, always choose a provider who has at least been in this business for the past 5 years.
Note: GoSSDHosting has been providing hosting services since 2014 đ
Conclusion – We have discussed some factors that most customers are not aware of, and apart from these, there are also other basic things to consider, like checking the provider’s reviews, social media, support, etc.
GoSSDHosting offers the Most Reliable and Affordable Master Reseller Hosting plans.